Condor Program Supporters
Condor Program Supporters
The success of the Yurok Condor Restoration Program depends on the support of many people and organizations. YCRP is deeply grateful for the generous contributions that advance our efforts to reestablish California condors in Yurok Ancestral Territory and the Pacific Northwest.
YCRP thanks the following private donors, foundations, agencies, businesses, and organizations for their partnership in condor conservation and for their role as prey-go-neesh mey-gey-tohl-kwo-meen (caretakers of prey-go-neesh).

Get to know the species on our Learn about California Condors webpage
To connect with the Yurok Condor Restoration Program, send an email to condors@yuroktribe.nsn.us
Contribute to California Condor Recovery
Click on the condor icon, below, to learn how you can support condor conservation and the Yurok Condor Restoration Program mission to reestablish this magnificent and culturally important species to Yurok Ancestral Territory and the Pacific Northwest.
Or click on the Donate button to go directly to our donation portal.
Wok-hlew’ (Thank you)