Lower Klamath Division - Trinity River Division
Klamath River Division
Lower Klamath Division
A primary goal of the Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program is to restore habitats in the Lower Klamath Sub-basin to levels that support viable, self-sustaining populations of native anadromous fish. The role of the Lower Klamath Division is to monitor and assess fisheries populations and their habitats; identify factors currently limiting salmonid production; and integrate past and present data to further develop and implement meaningful and process-based restoration in the Lower Klamath River Sub-basin. Previous and ongoing monitoring projects include outmigrant trapping in Hunter Creek (1996-2001), Terwer Creek (2001-2005), McGarvey Creek (since 1997) and Blue Creek (since 1995); spawning surveys in Blue Creek (since 1995); regional and single stream juvenile coho salmon abundance surveys; pathology monitoring in the lower river and estuary; and monitoring juvenile salmonid use, prey availability, and water quality of the estuary and its off-channel habitats.
Current research and restoration planning projects include the Klamath River Coho Ecology Study and life history monitoring of salmonids in McGarvey Creek. Stream and riparian restoration projects are currently ongoing in Hunter, Terwer, McGarvey, and Waukell creeks, and staff is revising our sub-basin restoration plan to include mainstem habitats, the estuary, and associated off-estuary habitats.
Our Division is made up of Andrew Antonetti - Fisheries Biologist II, Sarah Beesley - Fisheries Biologist II, Scott Silloway - Fisheries Biologist I, Erica Partee – Fisheries Biologist I, James Ray – Fisheries Biologist I, Aldaron McCovey - Fisheries Restoration Technician III, Gil Calleja - Fisheries Technician II, Dwayne Davis – Fisheries Technician II, Steven Nova Jr. - Fisheries Restoration Technician II, Nick Folkins - Fisheries Technician II, Josh Jimenez - Fisheries Technician I, AJ Webster – Fisheries Survey Lead, Robert Grubbs – Fisheries Technician II
Sara Beesly can be reached at 707.2841 x. 1041
Andrew Antonettie can be reached at 707.2841 x. 1039
Trinity River Division
The Trinity River Division of the Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program is committed to the restoration of the Trinity River and its fish and water resources. As partners in the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP), we participate on both policy and technical tasks and strive to implement the best available science to inform and evaluate restoration success. The Trinity River Division works cooperatively with both state and federal resource agencies and other Native American tribes in the Trinity River basin. Although we specialize in Trinity River fisheries and water quality management, we also perform biological and physical investigations on the Klamath River and tributaries throughout the Klamath River basin. Our goal is to ensure the protection of Yurok Tribal fishing and water rights through restoration of natural populations of tribal trust fish species of the Klamath River basin, including: Chinook salmon, coho salmon, green sturgeon, steelhead, Pacific lamprey, and eulachon.
Currently our team is working on a number of monitoring and research projects in the Trinity River basin. These efforts include: rotary screw trapping near Willow Creek to monitor populations of outmigrating salmon and steelhead, upper Trinity River salmon redd and carcass surveys, adult and juvenile fish health monitoring, fish habitat assessment at channel rehabilitation sites, tributary spawning surveys, and development of a scientific framework to guide future scientific monitoring of TRRP restoration activities. In addition, the Trinity River Division conducts research to evaluate impacts of Trinity River Hatchery operations on natural production of salmon and steelhead.
Our team members are Senior Fisheries Biologist Tim Hayden, Habitat Restoration Biologist Aaron Martin, Population Biologist Shane Quinn, Geomorphologist Andreas Krause, Biologist Kyle De Juilio, Biologist Nick Davids, Biologist Nathan Harris, and Fisheries Technicians Axel Erickson,Tim Ulrich, Vinnie McCovey, and Bill Silvia For more information contact Tim Hayden at 530.629 3333 ext. 1704, or email Aaron at yurokfish@gmail.com
Klamath River Division
The Klamath River Division of the Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program provides scientific and technical support to the Yurok Tribe in its efforts to bring about large-scale restoration of Klamath River and its anadromous fish species. We provide this support by participating in technical and policy forums that affect the Klamath River and by conducting research related to water management in the Klamath River basin. Our recent efforts have focused on providing science and tecnhical input for the Klamath dam removal and restoration agreements. We are also involved with reviewing and providing input to the Bureau of Reclamation's flow regulation of the mainstem Klamath River. We continue to monitor the water and fisheries situation on the Shasta and Scott Rivers.
The Klamath River Division also conducts inovative fisheries and ecological research. Our research focuses on the ecology, fish biology, disease dynamics, and restoration of the mainstem Klamath River and selective tributaries. We make extensive use of state-of-the-art biotelemetry in order to determine the migration behavior of fish species important to the Yurok Tribe such as Chinook salmon, coho salmon, green sturgeon, and Pacific lamprey. Current research projects and activities include water temperature monitoring, salmonid use of thermal refuges, invertebrate food availability, adult Chinook migration behavior, green sturgeon biotelemetry, Pacific lamprey migration, adult Chinook disease pathogen monitoring, juvenile salmonid disease pathogen incidence, fish disease host (polycahetes) ecology, and spawner and redd surveys. Our research team is dedicated to providing scientific research of the highest quality using cutting edge technology and techniques. Our goal is to conduct, publish, and apply the best avialable science to inform management decisions and restoration activities. For a list of published reports see the "reports and publications" link above.
Our team consists of Senior Biologist Michael Belchik, Lead Biologist Josh Strange, Biologist Barry McCovey Jr., Senior Technician Jamie Holt, Technician Rocky Erickson, and Technician Troy Fletcher Jr. Senior Biologist Michael Belchik focuses on management, restoration planning, and policy implementation while Josh Strange leads the research efforts. For more information contact Mike Belchik at 530.625.4130 ext.1617 mbelchik@yuroktribe.nsn.us, or Josh Strange at 530.625.4130 ext. 1602.