MMIP Tribal
Policy Summit

SAVE THE DATES - The Yurok Tribe is proud to announce the 3rd Annual Missing and Murdered Indigenous People ("MMIP") Summit is scheduled for February 25th-26th, 2025 and would like to invite all Indigenous People and our allies to participate.
Pala Hotel
& Casino
Hotel Room Block
Arrival Date: Monday, February 24, 2025​
Departure Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025
Ground Transportation
can be booked through "GLI" Ground Logistics International, or Rideshare Programs.
Aimee Hunter
Director of Program Management Ground Logistics International
Phone: (877) 581-7531
Email: aimee@groundlogsticsint.com
Website: www.groundLogistics.com
Additional Information
Charitable contributions are needed. These events are critical to build momentum, support, and continued advocacy to address MMIP now, and in the years to come. Please contact MMIP@yuroktribe.nsn.us to help ensure we have another successful event. Thank you.​
Click the links below to read our resources and information regarding MMIP.
Event Information

Presenters Information
Meet our presenters for the 3rd Annual MMIP Tribal Policy Summit

Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor Email: pahona52@gmail.com

Waylon Pahona Jr. is a passionate Motivational Speaker, Health andWellness Trainer, and Certified Yoga Instructor through NativeStrength Revolution. Proudly representing his heritage as Hopi, Tewa,and Maricopa Pee Posh, Waylon is renowned for his transformativejourney and as the Founder/Creator of Healthy Active Natives(HAN’s). His vibrant social networking group on Facebook has grownto encompass over 74,500 members globally, fostering a communitydedicated to health and wellness. In recognition of his impactfulcontributions, Waylon received the Healthy Innovation Award from IHSIndian Health Services in 2013 for his pioneering social media efforts.In 2024, he was honored with the Warrior Award from the SouthwestIndigenous Women’s Coalition and the Molina Healthcare TribalHealth Champion Award, further underscoring his commitment topromoting well-being in Indigenous communities. Currently, Waylonteaches and facilitates yoga and wellness classes in OutpatientTreatment Centers and the Strong Men’s Program, empoweringindividuals to embrace healthier lifestyles. Additionally, he proudlyserved as an Ambassador for Tanka Bar jerky, advocating fornutritious, sustainable food choices.
Johanna Corpeno is of the Maya people and was born and raised in TongvaTerritory, also known as Southern California. Johanna, an advocate, and survivorof domestic violence has been on her own healing journey for many years. Shediscovered that through self-love/care she was able to serve others in a much betterway. Johanna has found yoga to be a tool for healing and a deeper connection toself and Creator. This has led Johanna to complete a 200 hr. Indigenous VinyasaYoga Teacher Training and she became certified through Native StrengthRevolution. Johanna also has a deep-rooted passion for working with youth andhas begun her certification in Vinyasa (trauma informed) Yoga for Youth. She hasworked on expanding her mindset with a holistic approach, bringing the body,mind, spirit together through breathwork and mindfulness to form wellness.Johanna believes in the power of preventative care through nutrition, plantmedicines, healthy eating, and movement within the body, sharing ways to healfrom the inside out. One of Johanna’s greatest passions is working with people andhelping them create a healthy lifestyle that they can thrive through. This has led heron her path to working with those in Recovery, facilitating a safe space in body,mind practices. Johanna graduated from her program at the Southwest Institute ofHealing Arts as a Holistic Nutrition Wellness Practitioner, Life Coach, and FitnessNutrition Educator- (Certified through NASM).
Entrepreneur, Yoga Teacher, Nutrition Educator, & Life Coach. Email: jangelica1125@yahoo.com

Additional Information for Future Events
3rd Annual Missing & Murdered Indigenous People
Week of Events

Thank you to our Sponsors
1. Yurok Tribe
2. Pala Band of Mission Indians
3. Decolonizing Wealth
4. Prebys Foundation
5. Avila Fund
6. Kee Cha E Nar
7. California Wellness Foundation
8. Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria
9. San Diego Foundation
10. Humbolt Area Foundation
11. San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
12. Wilton Rancheria
13. Karuk Tribe
14. Stronghearted Native Women’s Coalition
15. Smullin Foundation
16. Cahuilla Band of Indians
17. Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples
18. Native Americans In Philanthropy
19. Pechanga Band of Indians
20. Providence, St. Josephs Hospital
21. Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians
22. Redding Rancheria
23. First Nations Development Institute
24. Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians
25. Tejon Indian Tribe