Welcome to the Yurok Tribe Salmon Festival

The 60th Annual Yurok Salmon Festival is happening on Saturday, August 17, 2024. All are invited to the family-friendly event.
The festival includes: numerous activities for kids, cultural demonstrations, Ney-Puy Run/Walk 5k, live music and more. The event also features vendors selling high quality, locally made gift items and specialty foods.

Starting at 9:00 AM, the Salmon Festival takes place
in front of the Yurok Tribal Headquarters at:
190 Klamath Blvd.
Please join the Yurok Tribe on Saturday, August 17th in Klamath, for the 60th annual Salmon Festival.
Event ends at 3:00 PM.

Click on the link above to download the
Click on the link above to download the
Salmon Festival Vendor Application
Click on the link above to download the
Salmon Festival Parade Application
For additional information about the Salmon Festival, please contact Matt Mais at mmais@yuroktribe.nsn.us or (707) 482-1350 ext 1356.
Photo Gallery

Additional Activities

The Yurok Tribal Court is sponsoring the Ney-Puy 5k Run/Walk at the 60th Annual Klamath Salmon Festival on Saturday, August 17.
The 5k Run/Walk begins at 9:00 am.
Both events begin in front of the Yurok County Visitor Center (101 Klamath Blvd.) To register - https://keechaenar.org/yurok-salmon-festival/
All are invited to attend the Yurok Tribe’s Klamath Salmon Festival on Saturday, August 17.
