Health & Human Services Links
Health and Human Services Links
Monthly Cash Assistance
Social Services offers monthly cash assistance to eligible individuals and families under both the General Assistance (GA) Program and the TANF Program. Under the GA program individual tribal members residing in Humboldt or Del Norte counties who have limited or no income and are not eligible for other public assistance and who are considered “unemployable” may be eligible. Under the TANF program, tribal families living in Humboldt/Del Norte counties excluding other reservations who meet income guidelines and other program requirements may be eligible for monthly cash assistance for the support of dependent children.
Case Management & Supportive Services
Social Services provides case management and supportive services, including goal development and monthly support, community based referrals and crisis intervention.
Child Safety, Family Advocacy & Indian Child
Welfare Advocacy
Social Services works to keep Yurok children safe and to remain in their families and community by ensuring the Indian Child Welfare Act is being followed and families receive culturally appropriate services.
Utility Assistance
Social Services can assist low income Yurok families with their energy assistance needs, such as wood, propane, and electricity. This program has limited funding is only available until funds are depleted.
Parenting Services
Social Services offers parenting instruction and support through classes in the Incredible Years and Motherhood and Fatherhood is Sacred.
Alcohol & Other Drug Services
Social Services offers alcohol and other drug assessments, individual counseling, referrals and support groups.
Nutritional Assistance
Nutritional Assistance is offered through the provisions of the USDA food commodities and produce to low-income Tribal Members within the rule areas of Humboldt, and Del Norte Counties in Northern California and Curry, Jackson and Josephine Counties of Southern Oregon and other low-income individuals residing on any Tribal Reservation, and who are not receiving SNAP/Food stamps.
Elder Advocacy & Services
It is the goal of Social Services to reduce the incidences of elder abuse by providing advocacy, reduce isolation, and increase community awareness. Elder advocates do home assessments, referrals, activities and assist with potential elder abuse situations.
Youth Life Skills & Leadership Development
Social Services seeks to help young people become our next generation of leaders by offering throughout the year activities which may include: youth council, healthy relationships instruction, life skills instruction, cultural activities, employment training and preparation, case management, and juvenile justice advocacy.
Employment Assistance
Social Services can assist individuals in seeking employment through resume building, job search, and volunteer opportunities. Under the TANF program, eligible adult and youth subsidized employment opportunities are offered yearly.
Burial Assistance
Social Services provides burial assistance up to $2500 to tribal members.
Child Care Assistance
Social Services can provide child care assistance to tribal families living in Humboldt/Del Norte counties, excluding other reservations, who meet income guidelines and are currently employed.
Liheap Plan FY2014
Title IV B Plan 2014-2018
Draft ICWA Manual
Draft Childrens Code